Despite the title, this is not a solo album by any means, as Bob Smith had a large backup band that featured members of the Mothers of Invention.
Track listing :
01 - Please - 3.14
02 - Don´t Tell Lady Tonight - 3.09
03 - Constructive Critique - 4.43
04 - Ocean Song - 4.50
05 - The Wishing Song - 5.04
06 - Can You Jump Rope - 5.47
07 - Latter Days Matter - 3.31
08 - India Slumber - 7.47
09 - Source You Blues - 6.02
10 - Sunlight Sweet - 3.10
11 - Of She, Of Things - 3.17
12 - Mobeda Dandelions - 3.18
13 - The Path Does Have Forks - 5.25
14 - Try, Try To Understand Yourself - 3.22
Links :
Part 1: http://sharebee.com/99778453 & Part 2: http://sharebee.com/8a798c21
(Taken from http://chrisgoesrocks.blogspot.com/ )
Another incredibly unknown gem !!!
Thanks for this post. Of its time, and like many obscure albums which change hands for silly money, it's a fine record but wouldn't be praised so highly if it were freely available. Having said that, it's still a great find for anyone who like guitar-oriented California Bay Area psyche.
The availability or unavailability was due to the fact that the original Kent pressing was for 10,000 units and there wasn't another pressing.
I managed this group when this lp dropped.
I have 4 sealed copies that I have been offered over $350 ea. for, an acetate,(only one in existence), that we shopped this group with.
That I have been offered a lot more than $350.
Steve Fischler
You looking for a new copy of this LP.
Contact me, I co-managed the group.
I have a couple sealed copies on the KENT label packed away.
Simon House
if this wasent a solo album ,who played the guitar parts . was it bob smith.or someone else.
Credits :
Bob Smith - Lead guitar, Vocals
Captain Keyboard - Keyboards, Vibes
John Latini - Bass
Stan Keiser - Flute
Don Preston - Mellotron, Moog
Skip Schneider - Drums
Mike Degreve - Guitar
James Curtis - Hand Drum
Larry Chapman - Violin
OK, I never thought I'd do this but I am. As I said before I was one of the managers of this group. Yes, I still have a few sealed lP's for sale but I have a one of a kind that puts those to shame.
Before changing their name to BSATV, they were known as Silverskin right up until we recorded The Visit Lp.
We made a demo acetate @ Columbia Records in 1970 and that is the record we used to shop the deal.
Now, I am really to sell the ONE OF A KIND ACETATE
Up on Ebay right now, both the one of a kind original acetate that started it all, plus a sealed copy of ''Bob Smith and The Visit...
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